Strategic Proposal

Sale price Price $350.00 Regular price

If you require business advice or assistance from an honest brand manager who wants nothing more than success for you and your business, offering an honest and professional opinion, Sarah-Hayley is the perfect choice.

Looking after the business needs of an array of luxury, fashion, creative and lifestyle brands, Sarah-Hayley strives to assist you, creating a proposal and plan of action tailored to your bespoke requirements, detailing unique, strategic ways for you to overcome any business problem and ways in which she can help you and your business. 

We all love free advice. I do too, although the difference is that I also value people's time.  I pour years of experience and expertise in to creating a substantial document for a potential client which would otherwise be a written gamble at acquiring business.  I use the time in which you have paid me to create something real which we can use together.  The benefit to you, if you decide to continue the plan I make and how we can progress together, the cost of the proposal is deducted from your next invoice.